csrss32.exe是病毒程序吗 是安全进程吗 csrss32进程查询 【百科全说】-凯发k8官方旗舰厅

腾讯视频/爱奇艺/优酷/外卖 充值4折起

进程文件: csrss32 or csrss32.exe
进程名称: w32.agobot.ji worm

csrss32.exe is a process which is registered as the w32.agobot.ji worm. this virus is distributed via the internet through e-mail and comes in the form of an e-mail message, in the hopes that you open it’s hostile attachment. the worm has it’s own smtp
属于:w32.agobot.ji worm
安全等级 (0-5): 4

01/24 10:02
进程文件: dluca or dluca.exe 进程名称: dluca.c virus! 进程类别:存在安全风险的进程 英文描述: dluca.exe is registered as the downloader.dluca.c trojan horse. this virus gathers information about your computer to a specific web site and downloads files onto your computer. 中文参考:
01/25 02:18
进程文件: crsss or crsss.exe 进程名称: w32.rbot.mx worm 进程类别:存在安全风险的进程 英文描述: crsss.exe is a process which is registered as the w32.rbot.mx worm. this virus is distributed via the internet through e-mail and comes in the form of an e-mail message, in the hope
01/22 22:48
进程文件: defscangui or defscangui.exe 进程名称: webscan 进程类别:存在安全风险的进程 英文描述: defscangui.exe is registered as spyware and should be removed immediatly. 中文参考: defscangui.exe是一个间谍软件相关程序。 出品者:eacceleration corp. 属于:n/a 系统进程:no 后台程序:yes 网络相关:yes 常见错误:n/a 内存使用:n/
01/23 17:46
进程文件: deskadserv or deskadserv.exe 进程名称: 180 search assistant spyware 进程类别:存在安全风险的进程 英文描述: deskadserv.exe is an advertising program by exact advertising.com. this process monitors your browsing habits and distributes the data back to the authors serv
01/29 14:52
进程文件: directx or directx.exe 进程名称: directx 进程类别:存在安全风险的进程 英文描述: directx.exe have been documented to be blaxe and logpole viruses. this file should be terminated and removed immediatly. 中文参考: directx.exe是blaxe或者logpole病毒的一部分。 出品者:n/a 属于:blaxe and logp
01/29 10:26
进程文件: dlgli or dlgli.exe 进程名称: backweb installer 进程类别:存在安全风险的进程 英文描述: dlgli.exe is a part of the backweb spyware range. this application quietly installs software onto your pc from software vendors as well as monitors your personal internet usage. 中文
01/22 16:14
进程文件: drwtsn16 or drwtsn16.exe 进程名称: w32.lovgate@mm worm 进程类别:存在安全风险的进程 英文描述: drwtsn16.exe is a process which is registered as the w32.lovgate@mm worm. this virus is distributed via the internet through e-mail and comes in the form of an e-mail messa
01/27 16:15
进程文件: dslagent or dslagent.exe 进程名称: eicon communications assistant 进程类别:存在安全风险的进程 英文描述: dslagent.exe is installed alongside broadband modems from eicon networks which comes bundled with many internet providers. this is required for the internet conn
01/24 18:07
进程文件: fameh32 or fameh32.exe 进程名称: f-secure alert and management extension handler 进程类别:存在安全风险的进程 英文描述: fameh32.exe is a part of the f-secure anti-virus software. this process should not be removed to ensure that your system security is not breached.